I’m 28f and my best friend (28f) essentially ghosted me out of the blue. I peeped something was wrong about 1-2 weeks into them ghosting me but I didn’t want to assume because I genuinely cannot figure out what went wrong. The last time me and her and our friend group hung out was so positive. There were no moments of tension or arguments we were just laughing and catching up.

Me and her talked everyday. We would update each other about everything and see each other multiple times a week at some points and if not that much we’d see each other at least once during the weekend. After about one week of not hearing from her I reached out and asked if she was okay and I got no answer. Then when the second week came around I asked again bc it was strange to go from talking 24/7 to nothing at all. She finally responded and said everything was fine but she was short with me. I didn’t want to to keep pushing bc I had already asked twice if everything was okay so I just left it and assumed she would tell me if anything was wrong when she was ready whether it be an issue with me or something else. A couple days later I texted her something that happened to me and she ignored it. That’s when I felt for sure things were different between us.

Fast forward, I’m not invited to a mutual friends birthday. I later find out that my best friend hid her IG stories from not just me but also people she know I’m friends with outside of this group like she really didn’t want me seeing anything for some reason. The whole group also stopped sharing their locations with me. Another friend in the group deleted a post off her instagram that I was in.

I’ve spent weeks trying to figure out if I said or did anything wrong but I can’t think of anything. What makes this hurt even more is ive disclosed to this person that I had a friendship end like this before and it devastated me to the point of depression and suicidal ideation. What also hurts is that everyone in the group obviously has talked about me to make this collective decision to just drop me and I still don’t get why. I also thought I had strong individual relationships with everyone in the group so even if one person was mad at me I wouldn’t lose out on a whole community of people and we could work through issues collectively

I’m just sad that even if I did do something wrong I didn’t get the opportunity to fix it bc I was never told about it and also because this person just sees me as disposable. I feel so used and discarded because I put so much into this friendship and I don’t even get the courtesy of a conversation.

I’ve had conflicts with other friends before but I knew they love and respected me because of how diligent they were when it came to hashing it out. And conflict actually brought us closer together and improved our communication skills. Having that as a standard again only makes this situation worse. It sucks realizing someone you spent so much time with doesn’t respect you at all

Also on the beginning of our friendship she did this. She randomly ghosted me and I was hurt but we weren’t as close so I didn’t force it and we eventually reconnected and she mentioned how she could have been better at communicating but then this whole situation happened.

I just needed to vent. I’d love some words of encouragement. I’m so sick of friend breakups.

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