What are the pros and cons of dating you?

  1. Pros: I care. A lot. I’ll always make an effort.

    Cons: I cry too easily and think you’ve abandoned me, lol

  2. I want you to be happy, healthy and content. I’ll try my best to learn and get to know you and I’m the type of person who loves to give. Two of my love languages are gift giving and acts of service.

    I’m also weary of life and relationships. The type of introvert that would want space and quiet after being overwhelmed and overstimulated. Also lacking in self-control, self-confidennce, and mental wellness.

    I’d love to love you but the person that would end up loving you would not be the best person that they can be.

  3. Pro: I treat people how I wish I was treated, gifts, remembering the important stuff, making them a priority.

    Con: I can flip that switch and turn ice cold because so many people haven’t respected me or made me feel like I’m not important to them.

  4. Pros: I’m probably the best person you’ve ever dated
    Cons: I’m probably the worst person you’ve ever dated

    You might notice that I do not have a clear vision of myself.

  5. Pros :

    – I’m very self aware, years of therapy so I’m pretty good at communicating my emotions, boundaries and at asking you how you feel. I’m straightforward about what I need, what I’d like, what I can give.

    – I have great friends who will adopt you, and I tend to make friends with your friends easily.

    – I am excellent at planning trips so you don’t have to plan another vacation if you don’t want to, but I don’t mind sharing.

    – I like to cook and I probably like to eat whatever you cooked ! I will provide lots of compliments and will be happy to be sous chef too

    – I’m rational and like to budget, or generally to consider things from different view points and make plans accordingly.

    – I have a lot of hobbies and passions I will share with you, I’ll always be happy to hear what you’re passionate about too and I can get on board with any special interests really.

    – I am very physically and verbally affectionate, basically if I love you I want to make you feel spoiled and cherished

    Cons :

    – I’m a bit clingy so even if I try not to invade your personal space… I’m in your face a lot

    – I am very talkative. A chatterbox. I can also listen, but basically if I love you I would be happy to talk with you alllll day long. (Seriously my gf has been so good with me on that, she helps me get better at just chilling in silence, but it does not come naturally to me)

    – I overthink massively, I have anxiety, I can get stressed out or get into sensory overload, I have a strong tendency to pick a small thing and obsess over it and get myself in tears over it. I want things to be perfect. I’m better now but it’s an ongoing battle.

    – I’m kinda naturally messy. I can make efforts for other people, but I just forget where I’ve put stuff or I just don’t see things

    – I have an expensive passion (traveling)

    – I get sick very easily, so living with me is like living with a kid who’s starting preschool. You get sick a lot too lol

    – I’m the type of person who just had to add a last con because it was really annoying me that there weren’t as many cons as there were pros, I needed the two lists to have the same number of bullet points. So. Again, maybe a bit neurotic

  6. Pro: I am funny & will spend 99% of our time together learning what makes you laugh & then trying to make you smile every chance I get. I am a great cook & love to feed you as an act of love. I am extremely patient & understanding, but will always hold you accountable. I’m always down to go for adventures with you & am pretty versatile in my past times, I’ll try the stuff you like so we can do it together & bond, I’m pretty easily entertained & just like to hang out. I am a great communicator when it comes to disagreements & can usually settle things before they become a big deal making both of our lives easier & communication is always going to be clear & transparent around those matters from me. I’ll forever be your cheerleader & take a lot of pride in being your partner.

    Cons: I have pretty intense spouts of insomnia so if we live together you might get up to pee in the night & find me wide awake on the couch reading & it has scared people in the past (always makes me chuckle though). I will get stuck into a good book series & kind of just forget to talk to you for hours & if the series is good, it’s minimal contact for days. I overbook myself a lot too so scheduling can be a nightmare. I get depressed & find it hard to get out of bed/ hang out so it can make it hard to nurture a relationship when I’m like that.

  7. Pros: I’m an animal lover and I’m a great cook
    Cons: I’m really emotional

  8. Pros: I will love you unconditionally and do everything I can to help you achieve your goals. You can spend as much time with your friends or your hobbies as you wish as long as I receive consistent communication and affection.

    Cons: I have abandonment issues and I am working on them, but if I’m feeling insecure about something I will need regular reassurance from you in order to not feel like shit. If I suspect you are lying, even about something small, I will stop at nothing to find the truth and I won’t be sneaky or quiet about it.

  9. Pros: I’m very loving and attentive
    Cons: abandonment issues, tend to isolate when things ho wrong, and toxic relatives

  10. Con: I’m ugly

    Pro: I’m ugly, so you don’t ever have to worry about someone else trying to take me from you

  11. Pros: loving, warm and fun to be with.
    Cons: I need a lot of space. I’m selfish with myself and my energy 

  12. Pros: I can cook really well and will always make an effort.
    Cons: You will probably gain weight because I am bad at sizing meals. Oh and my family is shitty!

  13. Pros. If you

    tell you everything! Even shit you wouldn’t like to hear. I’ll reasure you and do my best to prove that you can trust my intentions. I’ll do my best to show you the affection I have while also attempting to share with you my vulnerabilities( I want you to understand me , just as I hunger for the same )
    Cons: I’ll need talks, reassurance(childhood abandonment, + trust issues, and ptsd.. yes, I’m in therapy)
    I’ll worry that you’ll lie to me because everyone I’ve ever loved has continually done that. I’ll fight it, but if it’s consistently shown to me that I can’t feel safe with you(do to your questionable actions) , I will want to address it and question those actions in order to see your side. It’s worthless if you’ll lie, though. If nothing changes , I’ll see it as and consider it as thinking you’re willingly fuckkng me over.

    Due to this and my last experience, I have made peace with choosing to withdraw from “dating.”

    My brother did always tell me that I’m more suited and should go for an older guy that matches me.. I’m okay with just sticking to school, work, and secretly crushing on a coworker who I’m sure doesn’t share such interest.

    The guy I have invested in has repeatedly led me to give in to my own discomfort and ignore what I value…

    I was sad and I’ll probably get sad. But I don’t deserve to question my worth.

  14. Pros:

    * I’m a good listener
    * I love cooking (for you)
    * I’m physically affectionate
    * I’m self-aware of my flaws
    * I never get loud when fighting
    * you get a very cool future sister-in-law
    * I love to talk about my interests and am always happy to hear about yours


    * I’m clingy at times
    * I can get frustrated if something doesn’t go exactly as I’ve planned
    * I’m kind of shy and awkward with people so you probably won’t see me going to parties with you that often
    * physically I’m very weak
    * I cry easily
    * I’m forgetful
    * I’m not the prettiest girl there is

  15. Pros: I am a super chill and least obsessive person.
    Cons: people might perceive me as emotion less while I care a lot for people I love.

  16. Pros: I love to have fun, travel constantly, up for any adventure, don’t want kids.

    Cons: I love to have fun, travel constantly, up for any adventure, don’t want kids.

    Perception is everything, it really depends on what you’re looking for in a partner. I left my partner of a decade because he saw these things as cons, and these are the things my bf now loves about me.

  17. Pros: I love to care for people, to make them feel seen, heard and loved. I will go out of my way to make my partner feel supported and cherished. I’ll tell him everyday that I love him. I’m a great communicator so in a disagreement I’m pro ‘us vs the problem’ and I’m willing to compromise a lot for their happiness.

    Cons: I can feel rejection pretty easily. Something as simple as acting “off” without an explanation can make feel insecure and I’ll need reassurance. If I feel rejected, I become pretty anxious overall until it’s resolved

  18. Pros- I give awesome presents, I never forget birthdays, I’m great at planning trips, I have a good sense of humour, I’m a pretty good listener, I’m a good kisser, I have a high sex drive, I can stay calm in chaotic situations and I give good compliments

    Cons- I’m quite chatty, I cry when I see fluffy animals and if you ever took me to a cat or dog shelter I’d insist on adopting all of them.

  19. Pros – I’m easy going, fun to be around with, I go the extra mile for you and always put your interest first.

    Cons – I’m insanely possessive and get jealous easily 🙁 Also have abandonment issues but therapy is working 🙂 Thankfully my partner likes the earlier half of the cons lol

  20. Pros: I’m good at housework and cooking and making you laugh, also am pretty independent

    Cons: I can be irritable and anxious, and my family are a mess

  21. Pros: loyal, caring, attentive, assertive, self-sufficient, will be the number one supporter of my partners goals and dreams

    Cons: literally none if I’m being teared well.

  22. Pro: I’m very caring and loyal
    Con: I literally can’t cook to save my life

  23. Pro: I love cuddling and giving massages and spending time with you and brining you gifts

    Cons: I’m insecure and need a lot of reassurance and I’m late often

  24. Pros: I’m very affectionate, I’d like to think I’m quite funny, I’m a decent cook and I’m open minded to trying new things 😁

    Cons: I apparently run hot so I’m like a radiator in bed, I do sometimes struggle with my confidence and I might use your conditioner once or twice 😅

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