Ladies what goes through your mind when you are approached by a man that you find attractive?

  1. I don’t know, I do not get approached and like it that way, I want to be left alone.

  2. I’m pretty excited!
    I prefer to meet people in real life vs online, and if a man approaches me in person he’s automatically more attractive than if he were to approach me online. Just being able to see what he actually looks and acts like, instead of being catfished yet again is super appealing.

  3. Tbh, I’ve only ever been approached by men that weren’t my type, so I wouldn’t know how it feels like to be approached by someone I find very attractive. It’s one thing to give a chance to a regular guy and become more attracted and attached to him as our connection grows, but a whole other to be attracted to someone on the spot purely in a physical sense.

  4. After being berated by a mildly attractive girl I approached, I will probably never approach a woman in real life again.

    Saying “hi, how’s it goin” has never hurt my self esteem so much…

  5. Marriage.. kids.. everything that shouldn’t go through my mind, does. 😂

  6. He better be a Christian and be the kind that takes his Christian walk seriously. I personally don’t talk to men in a romantic context irl unless it’s in a church setting. I otherwise am using online dating to vet them before going out with them.

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