for example; today i (18f) hung out with my friend (18f) and we had a small disagreement about where to go. it wasn’t a big deal, we were fine. and then she rolled her eyes at me. i ask her why she would do that, and she got pissed. i wasn’t mad, just asking calmly why she did it, but because she was mad at me i got my stuff together to leave.

fast forward a few minutes, she said “it isn’t because you told me i rolled my eyes.” and just went silent on me. i asked why she was mad and said it wasn’t fair to keep me guessing, and she said “stop trying to force me to talk about.” eventually i just apologized for asking and we pretended it didn’t happen.

but she does this a lot. she’ll randomly shut down after nothing at all happening, and when i ask why she randomly got mad, she accuses me of forcing her into talking and she ignores me until i apologize for asking, or until she’s ready to not be mad anymore. OR the same will happen, but because i have a different opinion on something (example; i say i like something she apparently hates. she shuts down. repeat cycle.) and every time, if i say “was it *xyz*? because i’m sorry for that.” she’ll smirk but say that isn’t it. it confuses me a lot.

it gets exhausting. but i wanna know how to fix this. i love being friends with her, but it’s hard. i know not everyone communicates well, but i think as we’re getting older, she should be learning how to talk instead of making her friends feel bad and not telling them why. i cried today, she didn’t care. it was only okay again because i apologized and offered to drive her where she chose to go.

any advice? all appreciated, thank you 🙂

tldr; my friend will get mad at me randomly, and won’t tell me why

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