Mostly like in a friendship way? Do you straight out ask or do you pretend like they’re not. Coming from an over thinker

  1. If I have something to point to as a reason (like the vibes were off or we disagreed in a way that felt like more) then I would outright ask if anything’s up or if we’re still good. Give them a chance to express if somethings on their mind.

    If I DON’T have anything concrete to point to, I would usually just see if I can get them to prove the inverse. I’d send a meme, call to chat, or ask to hangout or just anything that can reassure me we’re still good when I get a response from them. If I don’t feel reassured after that (or if they didn’t respond the way I hoped) I’ll sleep on it and bring it up if it’s still bothering me.

  2. I ask them point blank. I’m nice about it, but I see no reason to let it stew when I can resolve the issue within a few minutes

  3. Today I was perplexed, because on the way to work some woman started shouting at me, why do I have big lips and long hair, the worst thing is that everyone around was just looking at it.

  4. I try to resolve the situation calmly and openly, apologize if necessary and work on a solution. It is important to communicate and understand each other’s points of view.

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