My wife (F55) has severe pain during intercourse. I (M63) want to still have sex, but not to the extent that I t hurts her. She doesn’t want to take hormone replacement therapy because it has risks associated with taking medication. That leaves us at no sexual intercourse. I fully support her decision not to take hormone replacements. However I still do want to have intercourse. I can’t get my head around what I need to do next since I really do not think sex should be painful for her. We have tried various lubes without affect of decreased pain. She jokingly ask if need a different partner. I would prefer to have sex with her, but I don’t want to stop having sex. What next?

UPDATE: She doubled down on it is a natural process which doesn’t require treatment. She does know that I left a marriage after it was sexless for 6 years. I am giving her time to discover that her decision leaves me sexless (at least for intercourse). She had a dream where I left her for another woman. Let’s see where this goes.

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