I 20M had a problem with my teeth as a child which led to me having neophobia (which is a food phobia for people who are unaware of it) so growing up I only ate food which I liked and get bad anxiety if i get asked to try foods I haven’t had before so the food I do eat is mainly processed food or just sweets therefore I put on a lot of weight from a young age I currently weigh around 18-19st or around 114-120 kg and because I’m only 5’4 my weight really shows. I’ve tried dating in the past but for irl dating it didn’t go to plan so I tried online dating which worked for a while but didn’t like how I couldn’t see my partner so I stopped trying with dating since then and now as a adult I’m thinking about trying to get back into dating but it seems to be harder for bigger guys to find a partner especially around my age so I just wanted some opinions on bigger guys

For those wondering about how I look or my size there are pics of me on my page!

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