I recently moved to Sicily and my latest lighthouse find is in Punta Secca, the [Capo Scaramia Lighthouse.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capo_Scaramia_Lighthouse)
It’s really beautiful.


**Edit:** Thanks to everyone who has shared their lighthouses. I feel like this is my version of ‘train spotting.’ I f*cking love Lighthouses. That Australian show I watched as a kid probably set it off – [Round the Twist.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split_Point_Lighthouse)

  1. The best known lighthouses in Germany are [Roter Sand](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/Leuchtturm_roter_sand.jpg) which is located on a sandbank in the North Sea, and the [Pilsumer Leuchtturm](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilsumer_Leuchtturm#/media/Datei:Pilsumer_Leuchtturm_2010-10_CN-I.jpg) which was prominently featured as the home of well-known comedian *Otto Waalkes* in one of his movies.

    But I think the [Oberfeuer](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Bremerhaven_Oberfeuer_01.jpg) in Bremerhaven is most beautiful. It looks like the tower of a cathedral.


    If surroundings also count, the [lighthouse on the South Stack of Holy Island](https://www.westend61.de/images/0000272118pw/uk-wales-anglesey-holy-island-stairs-to-the-lighthouse-of-south-stack-EL000528.jpg) in Wales wins many contests.

  2. My favourite is the [Kullen Lighthouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullen_Lighthouse#/media/File:2010-_Kullen_011.JPG) here in Scania, in the nature reserve Kullaberg.

    It sits high on top of the cliffs right where the Öresund Strait meets the Kattegatt Sea, with beautiful scenic views. The waters around the lighthouse are some of the busiest in the in the world, but also has a rich wildlife with for example one of Scandinavia’s largest populations of porpoises.

    It is the highest situated lighthouse in Sweden at 89 metres above sea level and the most powerful lighthouse in Scandinavia – as well as one of the oldest lighthouse sites in Scandinavia, dating back to the 16th century, while the current lighthouse was built in 1899.

  3. [Krynica Morska ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/JXEXNsFGJcrruab69) lighthouse maybe isn’t the most beautiful one but the view from top of it is stunning (everyone can go up there for a small fee). From top of there u can see whole Krynica Morska town and from one side you can see Baltic sea and from another side you can see Zalew wislany ( Vistula lagoon?).

  4. You are close to the Balearic Islands which have over 30 lighthouses. It would be worth a trip for you to go there, rent a car and do a lighthouse tour. Start with Mallorca and go from there. Will take more than on trip. Sorry I can’t remember my favourite.

  5. One of the most famous and interesting in Italy is the one in the port of Genoa.

    Unfortunately it’s now in a difficult position to reach.Kind of inside the port, not easy to get to on foot.

    It’s the symbol of Genoa, and was once the tallest lighthouse in the world.

  6. There are so many lighthouses that I like, but I’ll give some of my favourite examples here in the Netherlands:

    – “[Het Paard van Marken](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vuurtoren_van_Marken)” (the Horse of Marken) just looks incredibly picturesque.

    – With the [Westkapelle Hoog](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westkapelle_Hoog) they just plopped a searchlight on top of an old medieval church tower.

    – and the [Eierland Lighthouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eierland_Lighthouse) is just nice and bright red.

    (You can see some more Dutch lighthouses if you’d like on [this wikipedia page](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lijst_van_vuurtorens_in_Nederland) )

  7. The lighthouse on the North Sea island Amrum, just because I visited often as a kid. It’s the image that pops in my mind whenever I think of a light house.

    It’s usually open for visitors. You can climb the stairs all the way to the top and get a great view of the entire island as it’s also the highest point there.


  8. Oh, there are so many cool ones!

    The most special feeling was visiting the lighthouse in [Vladivostok](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%D0%9C%D0%B0%D1%8F%D0%BA+%D0%A2%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE/@43.0784883,131.8226467,15z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x5fb39cba5249d485:0x186704d4dd967e35!2sVladivostok,+Primorski+krai,+Venemaa!3b1!8m2!3d43.1332484!4d131.9112975!3m4!1s0x5fb39207f7250725:0xffe3bcbfcf7d40a9!8m2!3d43.0731088!4d131.8431355) (Russia) as it is the opposite end of Eurasia in my head and really felt like the end of the known world, the place where soon water starts flowing off the disc.

    Then I also very much loved the [Nordeste](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Salto+do+Andrea+e+Martin/@37.8243136,-25.13976,17z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0xb5d1d885925b045:0x9f07bb21b2319e8d!2sNordeste,+Portugal!3b1!8m2!3d37.8322686!4d-25.145931!3m4!1s0xb5d1d71279f9f1b:0x45408423e9a7660a!8m2!3d37.8238747!4d-25.1362199) lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, on a Portugese island. Talking about Portugal, the [Sagres](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sagres,+Portugal/@37.0325035,-9.0160339,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0xb32242dbf4226d5:0x2ab84b091c4ef041!2sPortugal!3b1!8m2!3d39.399872!4d-8.224454!3m4!1s0xd1b4c64c7110b77:0xcce36e7d4970a8b4!8m2!3d37.0168087!4d-8.9405537) lighthouse is also a must.

    But there are so many I have not visited. Like I have seen no lighthouses from the british isles nor any from greece, so there will be much more to add to this list one day.

  9. The Tower of Hercules is the oldest extant lighthouse known. It has an ancient Roman origin on a peninsula about 2.4 km from the centre of A Coruña, Galicia, Spain. The structure stands 55 metres (180 ft) tall and overlooks the North Atlantic coast of Spain. It was built in the 1st century and competently renovated in 1791.

    I also love the myths surrounding the lighthouse, such as: A myth that mixes Celtic and Greco-Roman elements, the hero Hercules slew the giant tyrant Geryon after three days and three nights of continuous battle. Hercules then—in a Celtic gesture—buried the head of Geryon with his weapons and ordered that a city be built on the site.

    The Tower of Hercules is the only fully preserved Roman lighthouse that is still used for maritime signaling, hence it is testimony to the elaborate system of navigation in antiquity and it provides an understanding of the Atlantic sea route in Western Europe. The Tower of Hercules was restored in the 18th century in an exemplary manner, which has protected the central core of the original Roman monument while restoring its technical functions.

    It’s truly spectacular, I don’t know how to include links to photos but it’s definitely worth visiting.

  10. Phare du Stiff in France in the western most island (Ouessant). One of the oldest lighthouses in France that is still operational. (started in 1700) I loved it so much I bought a figurine of it.

  11. Although I don’t have a special interest in lighthouses there is one that I want to visit again and again, my kids have been there several times, and I want to take my husband there to show him too. There’s something magic about the whole island. It’s in Estonia, Saaremaa island: https://www.visitestonia.com/en/sorve-lighthouse

  12. The lighthouse in the Isle of May at the mouth of the Firth of Forth was my childhood favourite. https://img.marinas.com/v2/b42349b89bb413d34f6a71e58c89b977aad6c14e02ee3fee6c5a62b8c011208e.jpg

    More photos here: https://marinas.com/view/lighthouse/pvawv3_Isle_of_May_Lighthouse_SC_United_Kingdom

    But my favourites are La Jument because of the photographs by Guichard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Jument and locally, this one on Pellworm: https://images.app.goo.gl/tKJcJsMJ7tCzG2qTA (if Hobbits built lighthouses).

  13. In Portugal there are so many nice examples, but the one that comes to my mind is [the Penedo da Saudade Lighthouse](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farol_do_Penedo_da_Saudade#/media/Ficheiro%3ASaudade_Rock_Lighthouse.jpg), which is located in central Portugal, near a small cozy coastal village of São Pedro de Moel. Other nice lighthouses that I remember are the [Bugio Lighthouse, ](https://www.amn.pt/DF/Paginas/FaroldoBugio.aspx), the [Vila Real de Santo António Lighthouse](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farol_de_Vila_Real_de_Santo_Ant%C3%B3nio#/media/Ficheiro%3AVilla_Real_Lighthouse_02.jpg) and the [Barra lighthouse.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5d/Farol_da_Barra-Aveiro.JPG)

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