So. I have this guy friend I’ve been close with for almost 2yrs. Lately, I just realized that I really wanna be more than just a friend to him. The thing is, I’m not so sure how he’ll take it. There’s no explicit motive that he felt the same way. It’s just that I can’t shake this feeling off. I can’t move forward not knowing how he feels about this. I want a confirmation that we’re just friends if that’s the case. I’m just so afraid it might ruin the friendship.

Please advise, should I push this through? I mean, telling him how i feel about him? or just forget about it?

And if i do tell him, how? can you give me tips on how should I plan on telling him

Do guys take a woman less seriously if she’s the one that confessed her feelings?


PS. I’ve been single for 3yrs now, i rarely get attracted to anyone. That’s why I know this is a big deal to me. It’s been so long since I felt this.

  1. It’s a risk. Friendship basically doesn’t exist, when one of the parties has feelings for another one.
    I suggest telling him the truth. After that you have three main options.
    Option A: it’s mutual and you start dating.
    Option B: it’s not mutual and friendship becomes friendzone.
    Option C: it’s not mutual and friendship ends.

  2. I’m so afraid I won’t be able to get a hold of him if this turns out bad. I never thought this is how helpless it is. But I might try to tell him this week. Thank you so much.

  3. Go for it ue probably is willing to give it a shot most men aren’t friends with women that they don’t have some level of attraction to

  4. Yes you absolutely should tell him. Without knowing the specifics of your friendship I would just text him asking if he’s available to grab something to eat and that you want to talk to him. Just tell him that you know you guys have just been friends but you’ve noticed you started to catch feelings for him. Talk about specific things you guys do together and what it is that made you feel that way toward him.

    A guys not going to take you less seriously because you state your feelings for him.

  5. Yes you have to tell him because if you will not tell him then you will feel guilty if he will start dating someone in future and if you tell him then most probably he will accepts you, because this was happened with me once i share all my feelings to my friend that she is more then a friend for me and she accepted that.

  6. Take the risk and tell him or not tell him but now you will have to watch him dating other girls

  7. You don’t have to confess, just gauge how he feels about you. Maybe “have you ever imagined us being more than friends/seen us as more than friends” is a good starting point. If he says no, no reason to push the issue because you have your answer. If you then can’t overcome your feelings, have another talk. You don’t want to lose a good friend.

    If you decide to confess to him, don’t place any pressure on it. You’re simply being honest about your feelings. A good friend will appreciate this.

  8. 1. Most men LOVE being hit on, so it’ll probably go well I figure.
    2. Most dude friends are waiting for their shot. This could probably go well for you based on that.
    3. I don’t think that you’re being honest – you’ve liked this guy for a while I bet.
    4. I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself. A relationship in which one person hides romantic feelings is not a friendship.
    5. Yes – this will likely ruin the friendship. It may transform it into a romance, or it may not.. but either way, the friendship will be different.
    6. You don’t have much choice but to tell him. You’ll live with regret if you don’t. So I say… do it fast, like ripping off a band-aid.

    Good luck.

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