I’ve been dating this guy and he just told me he is so in love with me and I said it back and he now can’t stop saying it to me. It feels wonderful. But now, instead of seeing him only once or twice a week for dates he repeatedly said he wants to see me everyday, have dinner together, he wants me sleeping over everyday and I want that too! In fact I’ve never wanted to see someone this much and I just don’t want him to get sick of me. But then I think well the whole point of love is to find someone you want to live with and marry so you’ll be seeing each other and sleeping together every night (with exceptions of course) so I’m reminding myself this is normal right? This is the first time I’ve ever truly been in love where it’s 10000% reciprocated and he’s so excited to see me, he hates leaving me in the morning and for work or even to see his friends so he brings me with him and then he is constantly saying he wants to see me everyday and have me stay over every night. Should I relax into it and just enjoy it or should I be “busy” some nights just to keep the excitement and longing going on.

  1. You’re in the honeymoon phase so the feelings are completely normal. Enjoy it! Seeing each other every day isn’t the problem, it’s spending 100 percent of your time together will be the problem. You start to feel like youre not separate people anymore, you stop hanging out with your friends instead of his or doing your own hobbies. Just don’t lose sight of you and doing the things that make you you, you’ll be fine ✌🏽

  2. Who cares what’s normal. You do you. You guys both want it? Do it. The only way to find out if the relationship works, is by actually having the darn relationship and seeing what happens.

  3. Relax into it and enjoy it. This is a wonderful thing you’ve discovered. It doesn’t come around often in life – I’m so happy for you!

  4. There’s no script; do what feels right. If you’re both into the idea of seeing each other every day, do it. If that feels claustrophobic, make plans for yourself some nights. If you both want to move in together, start moving things in that direction.

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