As the title says, I’d like to improve my employability by learning new skills, but I’m not sure what’s truly in demand right now.

I’ve spent the past 5 years climbing the corporate ladder and I’ve plateaued in my field, at least for the foreseeable future. I’d like to spend my spare time developing a new skill in order to make myself more valuable to my company (it’s a massive organization with a huge variety of jobs demanding different skills), or employable elsewhere in the world if I need to leave.

I thought about coding and have subscribed to r/learnprogramming, but I’m kinda half-heartedly interested in coding. Curious to know what else is out there.

Sorry in advance if this is a dumb question. I’m just trying to be a little more industrious with my time 🙂


Edit: I currently consult my organization on employee matters. Hiring, firing, and everything in between.

  1. Any kind of crisis/conflict management certificates are great. Also look into Microsoft Office Certifications. Another great option is to look into Title 9 training certifications. These are a few that I have that have definitely helped me.

  2. Get certified in your field through SHRM or HRCI. Get certified in some kind of people software like ADP or Bamboo.

    There are also certifications in Project management like PMP.

  3. >I’ve spent the past 5 years climbing the corporate ladder and I’ve
    plateaued in my field, at least for the foreseeable future. I’d like to
    spend my spare time developing a new skill in order to make myself more
    valuable to my company (it’s a massive organization with a huge variety
    of jobs demanding different skills), or employable elsewhere in the
    world if I need to leave.

    Why do you want to make billionaires richer?

    You sound bored the way an overachiever is bored in a stupefying place. If you are talented, and driven, why not go into business for yourself? Become your own millionaire. Start looking into a way for you to leverage your talent in a way that benefits YOU, not some company.

  4. this all depends on the field/area of expertise that you’re looking to become employable in.

    for starters, here’s a few that’d benefit you in any sector:

    – the ability to collaborate professionally and effective with a team

    – quick & self sufficient learning abilities

    – possessing professionalism and empathy (when appropriate)

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