I started going to a church and some guy approached me to chat and hang out a couple of times and most of the time he spent talking only about himself and it was nice to flex my social skills in a new town where I don’t know anyone but I am also inclined to not return his text messages. It always seems like a one way street in conversation and I remember the first time we hung out, when we were going to leave for the night I was like yeah we should definitely go get coffee again at some point i never got to tell you about my own recent life events and spiritual journey… he was flustered and embarrassed and said I’m so sorry you’re right we didn’t get to talk much about you but let’s do it next time. I held back rolling my eyes and when we left, I just felt like he was also incredibly disingenuous in his tone and upbeat personality for lack of a better word. Since he has a career in sales it seems like he never turns off the fake enthusiasm and fake ramped up friendliness that comes from someone trying to make a sale. (We’ve all witnessed that I’m sure) so I definitely won’t be calling him back and am definitely going to leave church a little early next time but to be honest I was looking forward to having a new friend in my new town but I don’t think I could tolerate that kind of friendship. Am I being judgmental and picky?

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