We met a year before we started working in the same place. I started working there first then a job opportunity came available after a couple months of me being there. He was looking for work at the time, so I suggested that he apply. I vouched to everyone that he would be capable and good at the position he was applying for. Recently I got a promotion and now I’m in a higher up position than he is. I started noticing that he hadn’t been keeping on top of his regular duties, I don’t know if that’s a recent thing or if I only started to notice now. We have a company card which things like toilet paper, cleaning products and stationary can be bought on. However, I noticed that he’s bought stuff without keeping a record of what was spent. I get emails from clients who are frustrated because there was no one there when when they called in even though he was meant to be staffed for those hours. Again, I’m not sure how long this has been going on for and if I’ve only started noticing now because a lot of the fall back effects my work. I’ve brought it up to him multiple times as to why he needs to be in work for the hours he’s scheduled in for, why he needs to keep track of the expenses on the company card or to at least keep record of the receipts. There’s other things too which I’ve noticed he either hasn’t been doing or has been doing incorrectly but those things don’t effect my work so I don’t want to pull him up on those things incase I come across as nitpicking. I know when I’ve brought up his hours and the card issue he got rather frustrated about it with me. I’m finding it so difficult to work alongside him when no conscious improvement has been made. It makes it difficult too on our days off because I can’t sympathise with him when the topic of work is brought into conversation. He’s expressed a few times that he finds work stressful but I just can’t sympathise when I know of the mistakes he’s doing in work. What do I say or do?

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