My husband and I have two cats = two litter boxes. When it comes time to change the litter, my husband empties both boxes straight into the larger city trash bin that sit in our garage until trash day comes.

I’ve told him several times “hey can you use a garage bag to throw out the litter before dumping it in the trash bin” but he doesn’t see the point. I feel it’s so much more hygienic!! I just can’t understand throwing cat poop/litter straight into a trash bin instead of using a bag first.

Am I really being unreasonable about this??

  1. You’re not being unreasonable, but since he doesn’t respond to the “why,” try to explain that it’s something that’s important to you, so that’s what should matter.

  2. The fact that you’ve brought something like this to reddit makes me wonder exactly how much neurotic micromanaging your husband puts up with. Either you have a fundamental lack of respect for him and this is how it manifests, or else you need to decide with things like these whether the way he does it is fine; or whether you’ll do it yourself.

  3. Line the liter boxes with big ass contractor trash bags, then fill with litter.

    Then ya can just grab the bag and toss in the trash.

  4. Gross, I can understand why that’s an issue-but I wouldn’t make an issue of it if he doesn’t want to change his method for whatever reason. Engineer him out of the equation:

    1. Put an extra large contractor garbage bag in the garbage bin
    2. Do that cat litter yourself
    3. Buy a litter robot- I have 3 cats and 2 robots. We all love our Litter Robots- they use less litter, the cats aren’t walking on their own gross/then the rest of the house, and they have a bag so you can throw everything away in the bag and just switch the bags. I’m a super germaphobe so this was a really hygienic option for us.

  5. you can do it yourself the way you like.

    or change litterboxes to be automatic, or with disposable trays.

  6. I feel sorry for your garbage collectors. As if their job isn’t plenty nasty enough, actually being exposed to unbagged cat litter is revolting. This is just uncivil and disrespectful.

    Does your husband also not flush in public restrooms because he doesn’t care about leaving behind fecal waste for others to deal with?

  7. I’d bring up to him the effect dumping it straight into the bin has on your waste management workers. Clumping cat litter can have awful affects to their equipment, the bin itself, and it can have negative health impacts too. A solid compromise would be lining the bins with bags. They even make special bags for litter boxes.

  8. Explain to him that once that crap all builds up, he’ll be the one who has to clean the bin out! But no, you’re not being unreasonable.

  9. If that litter gets wet somehow it will coat the inside of the cans. Nasty mess to clean. Pretty sure cities want garbage in bags unless it’s recycling. This is weaponized incompetence. Doesn’t want to do it in the first place. So, he does the worst possible job hoping that you will take over. Dirty cat litter goes in a bag. If you must, tell him that you got a call from the trash service about it.

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