Hey everyone

Wondering if I’m being abused or not. I’m a codependent from what my counselor says.

I’m really scared of my marriage failing but I’m also really scared I’m being abused.

My dad passed away on my honeymoon he was narcissistic my mom is codependent, I fall in line of also being codependent with siblings being narcissistic and bi polar.

I got married three years ago been seeing a counselor for about three months to get things better. My wife has not. I started drinking heavily after we started a kitchen remodel I did myself . She has blow ups and blames it on hormones. I’ve been hit in the face twice by objects by her, not thrown but used in brunt force. I have said some pretty harsh things to her but more or less how I feel about her and her family. Not really derogatory but more or less questioning. She has said bad things about me and my family but more or less I accept them as I know how screwed up my family is and can be.

I’m trying hard but I don’t know if I’m being over dramatic or I’m actually being abused. I can go into more detail I wanna be pretty open but really just looking for advice or help even outside of counseling.


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