I’ve found myself in a situation that’s leaving me scratching my head. There’s someone I’ve been close with for a while—let’s call them Alex. We share a lot of interests, spend a lot of time together, and I’ve always felt there was a bit of a spark between us. Encouraged by friends, I decided to share my feelings with Alex, hoping for the best but prepared for any outcome.
Alex’s response was kind but non-committal, saying they valued our friendship too much to risk it. I understood and appreciated the honesty, and we agreed to continue as friends. However, since that conversation, I’ve noticed a shift in Alex’s behavior towards me. There’s been more texting, more invitations to hang out one-on-one, and generally more attention than before I shared my feelings.
This change has left me a bit confused. On one hand, Alex explicitly said they wanted to remain just friends, but their actions since seem to contradict that statement. I’m finding it hard to navigate this new dynamic without getting my hopes up or misinterpreting their intentions.
Has anyone else experienced this kind of mixed signal situation after opening up about your feelings? How did you handle it, and do you have any advice on how to proceed without jeopardizing the friendship or misreading the signs? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

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