So my husband (39m) and I (39f) have been together for 18+ years. He’s a wonderful husband ( as in loyal, caring and supportive) he’s worked to support our family of 5 while I’ve been a stay at home mom most of the marriage/relationship ( I just started working again recently) so all in all, we’re pretty happy and I can’t complain. Except one thing, he has a pee fetish. Though I don’t understand it because it’s not my “thing” I’m very understanding of it and even open to it ( I’ve reluctantly participated with him a few times) but I’ve told him many times I’m just not comfortable with it, and he still tries to guilt trip me at times ( like saying things such as “ marriage is give and take, I do for you, you do for me”) I do other things for him though, like scratch his back every singe night before bed, think of him when I’m out and buy his favorite drink or snack, little things like that, that he hardly ever does for me. Though he’s always taken good care of me, he lacks in the area of “ romance “ so to speak, he doesn’t buy me flower or even remember my birthday ( most years unless reminded by someone else) and though gifts aren’t anything important to me, a kind gesture every now and then would be nice, I’ve even expressed I wish he would just do little things more like text me from work just to let me know he’s thinking of me. There’s just things in our relationship I wish were different and I don’t think it’s fair when he acts like I should just do what he wants sexually, and says things like it’s give and take, yet he still has yet to meet my needs in other aspects of the relationship. ( also he watches a lot of porn related to his fetish, and I’ve expressed my concerns with that too, it makes me shy away from the idea even more because I feel like now not only am I being asked to do something that I’m not very comfortable doing, but also I feel like I have to compete with these porn stars with all these cosmetic procedures, that I just can’t compete against with my average body, and then the whole not being able to “preform” as well as he sees these porn stars preform, but he doesn’t understand, or he just doesn’t care, cause he continues to watch the porn and that’s definitely not helping) Am I being unreasonable? How should I address this situation? Because I do want to please him, but I also want to make sure my pleasures ( inside and outside the bedroom) aren’t being put on the back burner. Side note: we do still have a pretty consistent sex life ( 2-3 times a week) considering we’ve been together nearly 20 years, so it’s not like I’m just not giving him any at all.

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