My fiance Mike is my world and we are getting married next year.
We have been together for five years and our relationship has always been the best I could wish for. He is loving, attentive and patient.

Sadly, both Mike and I have no immediate family: he lost his parents and his sister before he met me, and I cut ties with my own abusive family.
I don’t like to talk much about my past and he respects it but he’s very open about himself and I welcome that.

His family used to be quite wealthy, not obscenely so but it left him quite some inheritance and properties he does his best to manage, and help us have a comfortable lifestyle.
Sometimes I do feel I am taking advantage of his wealth and generosity, but he reassures me that’s not the case because I too have my own career and contribute to out expenses.

Last night he presented me with a piece of jewelry: a beautiful hairclip in white gold with a sapphire on the side. He explained me it’s an heirloom of the women of his family, but since there are none left, he wants me to have it.
I felt immensely honored, but at the same time I felt like I am not worthy of it. I know that his mother was a great woman, and I will never measure up to her.

He reassured me that I am absolutely worthy, and if his mother and his sister could talk they would agree with him. That said, Mike didn’t insist and told me to let him know when I want the hairclip, and if I don’t say anything he won’t press the matter further.

Now I feel awful, like I spited his family legacy. He took it well, but I feel like I’ve made an awful mistake.
What should I do? Should I apologize and accept the heirloom?

Fiance offered me his mother’s heirloom but I didn’t accept it because I don’t think I’m worthy of it

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