We’ve been together for 8 yrs already and there are times that i feel that i am unloved or unwanted. I feel like this cos ive been the one only initiating wanting hugs, eating out, hanging out together, etc. and i feel like he’s just forced to do it lol He’s used to me studying all the time and ive been making an effort to bond with him everytime i have free time but apparently he likes his alone time with his phone so hes not in the mood sometimes. He’s always on his phone and sometimes becomes inattentive and i think he likes to be with his friends more than me most of the time. I also think he’s hiding our relationship or does not like to be with me when he’s with friends cos he never invites me unless i tell him to even tho i invite him all the time with mine. I just dont think its fair anymore and i hate the feeling that i need to second guess everytime if he loves me or not. With our last argument, i ranted all of my feelings abt this and he doesnt say a thing and just defends his side and doesnt even reassure me (he’s not rlly good at communication lol) and i asked if he still wants this relationship and all he can say is “i dont know” so idk anymore ive been trying to fix our rel everytime we hav a fight and in good days, he’s mostly good to me (helps with my homework, is happy to be with me, etc) so im torn since i would still like to be with him but im also tired thinking if he still loves me/wants me

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