I decided to email her on her old hotmail address. Basically, I apologized for all the bad stuff, and told her I forgive her, and hope she forgives me back.

I didn’t expect to hear from her and then all of a sudden she surprised me with a response. I sent the original message a month ago.

I would like to know from more experienced people/relationship experts on what to say/not say in order to successfully develop a platonic friendship with her. So far we are just texting, so I need to know what to text next? This was her response to my original text:

“Nice to hear from you. No worries at all. I didn’t have any hard feelings against you at all. I hope you’re well and wish you all the best.😊”

And then I responded “Nice to hear from you too! What are you up to these days? Are you still in town?”

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