I don’t know what to do and if it’s worth throwing the relationship away over. I met my (30F) boyfriend (30M) in April last year and initially the communication was very sexually oriented. We even had sex on the first date which is not something I’d ordinarily do. He even said to me that “no one has been able to keep up with me before” so I was a bit worried I wouldn’t be able to match his libido. It didn’t put me off though because I have a pretty high sex drive myself.

However, it quite quickly went from one extreme to the other to the point where I feel like he actively avoids sex. I’m at the point now where it’s really getting me down and I can’t carry on with the situation as it is. We’ve since moved in together and at first I thought the issue might be that he was still living at homes at the time, but if anything it happens even less since we’ve moved in. It’s making me feel unattractive, undesirable and unwanted.

I have tried to talk to him about it on multiple occasions and haven’t really got anywhere. He claims he gets really tired, so I told him he needs to see a doctor but it hasn’t happened. I just don’t know what to do because otherwise he’s so loving, caring and attentive, and treats me well. He’s always telling me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and really wants a family. I’m just worried there may be something underlying he’s not telling me and I don’t know whether to throw it all away over this or not, and whether it’s just a case of mismatched sex drives. But the way he was in the beginning makes this all the more confusing. Advice appreciated.

Tl;dr – my boyfriend has gone from one extreme to the other in terms of sex drive and won’t really explain why. Unsure whether the relationship is worth salvaging.

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