My(M20) gf(F21) and I were having sex about 3 days ago and we were going very hard and I slipped out and it hit her butthole. We have no idea of depth of penetration at all but she went to the bathroom shortly after and said it was bleeding. Today she said it was leaking and that it was like really thin liquid poop and she had no control over it at all and it didn’t feel like she needed to go to the bathroom. She also says it still hurts and feels like her butthole won’t go back to its normal size, we’ve been trying to google and try to find stuff to help but to not much avail. She’s very upset about everything (reasonably so) and I just want to help her in any way I can, any advice in the situation ab what is happening and what she might have and what to do about it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Edit: Evidently it has stopped leaking in the last few hours or hasn’t been all since she got off the pot last time

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