Let’s assume you know you would enjoy it

  1. Well if its literally just that then not very far but if we can have a nice date as well then pretty far. Probably over an hour

  2. Had a date drive 2 hours at 2am to my hotel after matching just a few hours prior

  3. I routinely drove 6 hours when I first started seeing my husband. Worth it every time.

  4. That depends. For a vanilla hookup? Not more than 15 minutes. For a kinky group sex session or event? I’d drive 2 hours.

    Though these days I live in the city and my car is long gone!

  5. I’ve had two semi LDRs where I routinely drove 2 hours each way. The sex was definitely worth it. I’d be willing to do 3-4 honestly.

  6. I’ve driven 7 in a half hours.. Was it worth it…. Not really 🤣🤣🤣

  7. About 1500 miles. I had cut my western us camping trip short to make it home in time for my so getting back from japan to have sex with her. I could have gone another 3-5 days on the trip.

    Edit: oh wait, I’m in the wrong sub for this question.

  8. For myself? An hour or two depending.

    If it’s longer than that I want a nice day out of it tbh

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