Basically, shortly giving a backstory is there’s this friend group at school I’ve been trying to join, and sometimes I think they like me and sometimes not ( also because I overthink a lot of things). What happened was after PE class, we usually walk up (since normal classes are up campus and PE is down campus) and I’d walk with them. And I was just walking next to S and E when I heard L and C whispering, looking kinda annoyed and I overheard L say “Just keep walking” and L walked over towards me and asked what’s my last period class and immediately walked away. She didn’t ask in a friendly way, not a rude way either but still, L is usually super friendly and laughs to anything. I’m just scared they were talking about me, mad at me, walking away from me etc. it’s just I even talked to L earlier in the day and she was pretty normal to me, I talked to her best friend too and she was also really sweet. I just can’t think of anything I might’ve done wrong either, so is it me they’re mad at or am I overthinking this? I just can’t stop stressing over this. Any advice would be really appreciated, thank y’all.

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