**Goal**: We are examining sex toy use among males (cisgender men) with female (cisgender women) sexual partners. We know there is a wide range of values and opinions contributing to men’s reasons for and against sex toy usage, and your participation will help us understand how these values and opinions shape behaviour (Kwantlen Polytechnic University Research Ethics #2023-28).

**Procedure**: If you participate in this study, you will first answer some questions about yourself (i.e., demographic questions such as your age, sexual orientation, and relationship status) on the survey platform Qualtrics. You will then be asked \~50 questions regarding specific types of sex toys, about how you feel about your sexual ability and your genitals, and about your values associated with masculinity and attitudes toward women. This study will take approximately 20 minutes of your time.

**Eligibility**: Participants must be males (cisgender men) at least 16 years of age who have had at least one (1) female (cisgender women) sexual partner to be eligible to participate, but **DO NOT NEED TO BE SEX TOY USERS**!

**To participate, visit**: [https://kpupsychology.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_4TtpxE9i1qF58DY](https://kpupsychology.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4TtpxE9i1qF58DY)


\*Academic research post approved by r/sex moderators 03012024-1zddkq\*

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