Will my 24NB older sister 27F reconnect with me? How can I fix this?

Last weekend, my sister (27F) and I (24 NB) had an argument that went poorly.

The next part is going to sound stupid, but I promise it’s what really transpired.

She made a bet and if she loses the bet, she would eat a sock. I begged her to just drop the bet because it’s stupid and dangerous. She told me I’m overreacting and that it’s not a big deal. I was crying pretty hard because I’ve heard stories of dogs and cats being put down because of a bowel obstruction from eating fabric. My sister, who normally tries to calm me down when I have anxiety attacks, yelled at me. She said I was overreacting again and I begged her to at least spit out the sock.

She said “fine” in a gruff and annoyed voice and left and slammed her door.

She then posted on her social media the picture of the sock she was planning on eating. Since she does lie sometimes, I didn’t really trust that she was going to spit it out as she promised me.

I called my mom and asked her to talk to my sister, and my mom said she would. She was very supportive of my anxiety and she knows that my older sister can be very stubborn.

So thankfully my sister actually did just spit it out and never ate the sock. But after my mom called her and asked what’s going on, my sister hasn’t spoken to me at all. I pretty much don’t even exist to her. She’ll see me make food in the kitchen, but she doesn’t talk to me at all.

Before all this, I was pretty close with my sister. We would watch tv together, I would watch her play FF7 on the PS5, and she’d watch me play old Zelda games. We take care of 5 guinea pigs. We were very close and we shared a lot of interests.

She for some reason just got very annoyed with me crying about my anxiety over this stupid sock bet. I don’t even know if she will ever talk to me again. I want to go back to normal. I don’t know what to do to fix this. Did I mess up by asking my mom to call her? Was that too excessive?

TLDR; had an argument with my older sister over something that gave me a lot of anxiety, she got mad and isn’t talking to me at all. I’d like advice on how to move forward

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