I have the most amazing, kind, and beautiful girlfriend. We’re both 26 and we’ve been together for 2 years. Before her, i’ve been in 2 other unhealthy and toxic relationships where i was mistreated, verbally abused and cheated on.

My current relationship is perfect, with the exception of a few things. My girlfriend and i have a lot of things in common, but our personalities are very different. I’m very social and have a lot of friends, whereas she’s introverted and has few friends. We would sometimes get into arguments because i used to go out partying a lot and because most of my friends are women (some i used to have crushes on in the past).

The other issue is that she struggles with depression and anxiety. My girlfriend has been through so much in life and has experienced more grief and pain than most people have at our age. Sometimes when she gets really depressed, she isolates herself and doesn’t want to talk to me. I don’t know if i should listen to her and give her space or if i should encourage her to talk to me and maybe go outside for a walk or do some sort of activity.

Recently, she has been getting irritated easily and sometimes will snap at me. She always feel terrible though and apologies afterwards. And honestly a lot of the times its my fault, but sometimes it has nothing to do with me and she does it because shes angry about something or sad.

Tldr: i love my girlfriend but our different personality traits and her mental health issues are causing a strain in our relationship and idk how to fix it.

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