How often do you drink alcohol? Do you feel it is a healthy/unhealthy amount?

  1. Very rarely drink alcohol , yet at one point a bottle of wine mid week and a few at weekend.. just not interested in it anymore and can’t hack hangovers for days

  2. Maybe 1/2 days a week, mostly weekends. V. Much a social drinker and I consider the amounts as not unhealthy amounts

  3. Once or twice a month, tops, and no more than two drinks per setting. I used to drink 4-5 days out of the week, then I got older and just started feeling more side effects from alcohol (bloating, headaches, hangovers, sluggishness, etc.). Cut down a ton since COVID (I was always a social drinker) and I’ve never felt better.

    I feel like I drink a healthy amount, yes. I do not think my previous frequency was healthy, but I was a student for a long time (undergrad + grad) and I drank about an average amount compared to my peers back then. It’s sort of that old saying; “It’s not alcoholism until graduation!”

    (Spoiler alert: Please don’t let it get to that point when you’re young. Few things are harder to shake than bad habits.)

  4. Never. Have been drinking a lot though. My liver didn’t approve so I had to stop.

  5. Like 3-4 drinks a year maybe. A glass of wine or a cocktail 🤷‍♀️ feels like a healthy amount for me personally, I’m not a fan of drinking but occasionally I feel like it because of the vibe or the flavour 🤷‍♀️

  6. Don’t really drink spring or autumn, drink more in the winter and summer (when there are a lot of events going on- festivals, family birthdays etc). Maybe once every 2 months in off seasons, once every 3 weeks in on seasons.

  7. Maybe once a week on average? Maybe more in the summer, I love a cold beer.

    When I do drink I rarely have more than one drink per day, so not an unhealthy amount at all.

  8. I basically don’t drink at all most of the time because it does not go well with my agoraphobia and health anxiety. I’m one of the few people where drinking alcohol is a sign of improving mental health which is kinda funny.

  9. I basically never drink and if I do it is like one “Radler” after a hike or something.

  10. Almost daily but usually just a glass of wine or beer with dinner, which is health.
    Pretty much stopped drinking hard alcohol with corona

  11. I rarely drink. In the summer I often have a can of cider after I’ve been working in the garden at the weekend, but I can go weeks without drinking alcohol and not notice. If I go out for a meal I might get a glass of wine if I’m in the mood but usually only if the soft drinks are unappealing and/or expensive.

  12. I drink wine at night, especially in the bathtub after an especially long day at work, but I do not think I do it in any unhealthy amount. Of course I also know people who probably drink way too much and don’t realize it, so sometimes I wonder if I am secretly one of them? 🙁

  13. About a beer or two per week, so not unhealthy even though no amount of alcohol is healthy.

    I exclusively drink socially. As a matter of fact, I always have beers in the fridge but they’re only for whenever I have guests. Otherwise, they remain untouched.

  14. I like to drink most weekends, maybe 3 or 4 drinks on Friday night and again on Saturday. Almost never on Sunday because I don’t want to be hungover for work. Never on the weekdays unless I’m on vacation. I feel like it’s a healthy amount, I used to drink almost a bottle a day (replaced one addiction with drinking) and then slowed down…got a serving job where drinking after shifts was encouraged and I started drinking a lot again. I feel like I’m at a good place with my drinking now but I still enjoy getting tipsy on the weekends

  15. Maybe a few times a week. 1-3 drinks depending on the day/occasion. I’m a social drinker. I rarely ever drink at home when I’m alone. I was very much a binge drinker in my 20s and really hate drinking like that anymore although I still have friends who do and I don’t think it’s healthy.

  16. I used to drink 2-3 on the weekends, then twice that, then everyday, then everyday maybe 7-8 drinks. For the past 3 years, I have drank zero. Thank you, AA.

  17. I was a regular Wine drinker and during the Pandemic I felt it was getting out of hand . It went from a couple glasses twice a week to a glass or two almost every night. I made a decision to stop completely for about 4 months to break the habit. Now I only allow myself a glass of Wine if we are out at a Restaurant or we’re having Company. No alcohol in the House outside of that. I sleep better and I’ve lost a few pounds so I think it was agood decision.

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