I’m talking digital newspapers and/or actual print.

According to a French friend who lives in a city in the Paris suburbs, they don’t really have their own paper. They just rely on the region’s paper- the big ones like Le Parisien.

But it’s like, so, who’s covering the city council/leadership public meetings talking about city/town budgets or department budgets or changes to ordinances or laws or school committee meetings, or who can someone go to when someone thinks a certain issue should be covered? I doubt that the big papers will cover the “small things” that matter.

If you do have your own town/city paper, what topics do they cover? Can you write an opinion piece/a letter to the editor? Do people generally do that (write letters to the editor?)

i’m a reporter covering a couple small cities and im just curious how it works over there, so anything you wanna comment is welcome even though it’s beyond what I asked!!!! TIA!!!!

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