What sports is more popular in your state in your opinion ?

  1. Basketball. Without question.

    Common joke about Hoosiers: How did you decide where to build your house? I looked for the flattest piece of land, put the basketball court there, and built the house near it.

  2. Football is the biggest. Basketball and baseball compete for 2 and 3, and hockey brings up the rear.

  3. Hockey without a doubt. Even with the Aces gone, hockey is still huge. Alaska is the only state where college hockey is the most popular sport.

  4. Football is obviously insane here, people have an insatiable and irrational obsession with the Cowboys and college ball here, but baseball and basketball have their place

    Baseball is popular when the Rangers are doing well

    Basketball is popular when the Mavericks have a guy people like to fawn over, or TCU goes far in tournaments

    The Stars have faaaaairlyyyy visible fans too, but it’s not like Hockey is anything like the others here

  5. Folkstyle Wrestling

    Read this as what sport is bigger in your state than others not what’s the biggest sport as that’s obviously football

  6. I live in the southern US. College football is undeniably the king of sports here. It’s not even close. It’s practically a religion.

  7. It’s a close call between football and baseball here, I might even give baseball the edge now that the Patriots aren’t a shoe-in for the post season every year.

    As an honorable mention, we might be the only state where women’s college basketball is decently popular. It’s not as popular as men’s or pro sports but it’s not unusual to see a meaningless midseason game on the TV at a sports bar or even regular restaurant.

  8. College basketball rules Kentucky, but they love pro football.

    Where I’m from, Utah, it was the reverse. Hockey and soccer seem to have grown in popularity as well.

  9. Football and then hockey. They’re popular at all levels in Michigan.

    While baseball doesn’t reign supreme anymore, Tigers opening day is still observed more than several federal holidays.

  10. Basketball. Damian Lillard is the most beloved man in the state of Oregon. Find me someone who does not love Damian Lillard and I will show you someone that has a heart of pure evil.

  11. Guarantee you there’s more jai alai fans in Florida than anywhere else in the US.

    …I have zero idea what it actually entails aside from the fact that you use a horribly deformed and elongated baseball glove looking thingy, but it exists. And people play it apparently. And a Tampa based brewery named a beer after it.

  12. Football. NFL for about the last decade, college before that. Back when the Mariners were good (95-03ish), you could make an argument for baseball, but I think college football probably still had them beat at the time.

  13. Football, pro though is significantly more popular that college, although the latter is possibly number two in popularity overall.

  14. Football is probably the most popular in any state you can go to. I’d guess baseball is second in my state, with soccer being third.

  15. There’s a nice mix in Michigan. Everything’s at least kinda popular. Hockey’s really big due to the climate, but basketball, baseball and football are still huge of course. Golf is also big here; we have tons of courses and clubs. Fishing and hunting as well. It was never hard for me to find a soccer league either.

  16. Hockey is definitely more popular in New York than much of the rest of the country.

    It kind of breaks down where in the state you are.

    Football is extremely popular in Buffalo, while Baseball is extremely popular in NYC. College Basketball is popular in Syracuse.

    Lacrosse is also fairly popular with several cities having NLL teams.

  17. In nearly every state the answer is American football. That sport is the most popular in this country by a significant margin.

  18. Football, American football that is.

    There are only a handful of places in the US where another sport is more popular than football.

  19. Hockey and Basketball I think are probably pretty close.

    Basketball probably wins out though as it can be played year round, inside or out with minimal equipment.

    Edit: oh did you mean like in terms of which sport is just popular to watch? Like professional sports? Then it’s probably American football with hockey as a close second.

  20. Baseball is the most popular sport in my area, nothing else comes close. The Giants/Jets rivalry is nowhere near as cutthroat as that Mets/Yankees rivalry. I’d say football (NFL), basketball and hockey are duking it out for second place.

  21. People are giving the most popular support in their state, but I thought it might be interesting to give one that’s most popular here *relative to other states*.

    Roundnet, aka Spikeball.

    Roundnet has apparently existed since the nineties, but started becoming popular here more recently after the Spikeball company started in Chicago like 15 years ago. Very fun game, even (especially) if you don’t know what you’re doing.

  22. More popular in my state than in others? I would argue that in California, Volleyball is more popular than in almost any other state besides Hawaii. Lots of beaches here for beach volleyball, a huge number of the D1 volleyball programs are in California.

  23. College basketball in NC for sure, but hockey is growing very quickly since the canes done suck anymore.

  24. College Football, NFL, Men’s College Basketball, Wrestling, Women’s College Basketball, MLB, everything else.

  25. Baseball by far. You can’t go 10 minutes here without seeing something about the Cardinals and you can’t go 25 minutes without seeing something about the Royals.

  26. Its football. The answer is always football. Except for hockey in South Canada aka Minnesota like you wanna be best friends with Canada so much you can go play with your friends we won’t stop you

  27. Hockey is massive. Football as well is also about as popular as most states, and id say third place is a tie between Basketball and Baseball, with fourth again being a tie, this time between Lacrosse(Go Mammoth!) and Soccer.

    In the past I know Colorado Springs hosted a few cycling events, but nowadays I believe it’s mostly just recreation.

  28. Football, baseball, and basketball are the most popular sports here in NYC. Hockey is a tier below the other major sports.

    Soccer is mostly considered a sport for children here in the US. If you’re a good athlete, you’re expected to transition to one of the big three major sports once you reach middle school or high school.

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