Good evening all.

Tonight has been a bit life changing for me. I have been with my partner for just over a year now, and tonight, we were talking. The topic came up about if we have ever had (or currently have) any crushes on people even while together.

Eventually we talked it through, and she confessed about crushing on a coworker. We both work at the same place but in different departments, I know who it is but I am nowhere near as close to the guy as my partner is (in other words, they both work the same department, I am in a separate wing). She used to like this guy before we were together but never acted on it.
Basically, he left last year June, but has returned to help out part-time in the past month or so, which is when the feelings kind of came back.

She feels very guilty about it and has told me she has no plans on acting on these feelings, as well as telling me she doesn’t understand why these feelings exist. From what I gather, they aren’t that strong either.
It absolutely took her a lot of courage to confess this and I am really happy that she felt comfortable with sharing this with me.. I told her as such. I explained that so long as nothing happens and that the feelings go eventually, it’s okay, as it’s the human condition to find attraction. I trust that nothing will happen.

However, as the hours have gone by, I’ve felt more and more hurt. I feel carved out inside like I’ve been betrayed or something, when nothing has even happened. I’m trying my best to keep it together but I just can’t believe it. I’m shocked and I am aware I’m overreacting. I’m struggling to keep to my word of being calm about this and it’s eating me on the inside.

Did I handle this okay? Is everything going to be alright? What should I do, moving forward?

I do NOT want to hear anything about breaking up or anything of the sort. There is so much more to this than what I’ve posted here, so I would just like to make this known. Thank you.

TL:DR Partner crushing mildly on fellow coworker, confessed it to me, now unsure how to handle my own emotion and continue forward.

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