Man of Reddit, why shouldn’t someone date you?

  1. Coz I got no money in a third world country.

    I’m working on it tho, keeping my head up.

  2. I’m extremely prideful, fart a lot, eat like a pig, and am emotionally unavailable 24/7. Not sure why she dates me and don’t care. We get along better than anyone I’ve ever been with

  3. I’m not in a healthy mental state, it’s not something you’d notice in the first days, weeks or even months but in years it’ll definitely be a deal breaker for most people, and i understand that.

    The late nights awake, the going in and out the house at night for drives, evenings and weekends spent working and general emotional numbness isn’t appealing, not even to myself.

    Unless someone is down to work around my schedule so we can squeeze in couple time like nights out and stuff it’d be a very boring and cold relationship for them.

  4. I have a good deal of work to do on myself.

    I also dislike living in highly populated areas where most people like to have easy access to food/entertainment/socializing/etc let alone the way most people like to travel, none of that is important to me at all. I’d rather build a small simple life near/in nature with someone who shares those values and that just isn’t ‘normal’.

  5. I have zero energy to start caring about someone elses life and issues and goals etc. I love silence and time to myself. They shouldn’t date me because I wouldn’t be happy in a relationship

  6. I am only attracted by women out of my league 😕 I really don’t realise that I can be loved so the unreachable they are the less I can hope of them

  7. I’m extremely insecure and have trust issues. I also work a low paying job with no real life goals or ambitions other than just wanting to share my life with someone. I provide nothing of benefit to a relationship.

  8. How can someone love me while I don’t love myself, plus I have a resting bitch face.

  9. Because my goals aren’t really compatible with anybody. I work a normal job and put lots of time into a creative side pursuit to ‘get big.’ If you work a normal job, you’d probably think my side-ideas are ridiculous. If you don’t work a normal job, you likely either 1) already made it and have no interest 2) are completely broke and I don’t make enough $ to support you 3) are pretty young… though maybe a little overlap with my age group 4) you’re on the off-chance exactly like me and we don’t have time for each other and/or one of us ‘makes it,’ the other doesn’t, and we split

  10. Let’s see…

    I’m fat, ugly, old, and offer nothing of intrinsic value to a relationship.

    UPDATE: wow, this got 10 upvotes. Either people are upvoting because they can relate, or because they’re applauding my pain. TBH I don’t want to know.

  11. I like my alone time too much. Currently dealing with that right now. She wants more of me than what I’m willing to give. Raising my two sons essentially on my own. One goes to college soon and I’m trying to spend a lot of time with him beforehand. Working 40+ hours a week. Playing in a band on the side. Doesn’t leave a lot of time for her. When I have free time I kinda just want to sit there and watch basketball or wrestling. And really just be left alone.

  12. I don’t speak my mind as much as other guys, and I’m willing to go along with group goals even if it means giving up stuff I want.

    What sounds like a good thing ends up being frustrating because they don’t always realize that I sometimes sacrifice things I don’t want, and putting others before myself wears on me more than I feel comfortable admitting.

    In the end, it takes a lot for me to admit these things bother me so when I do admit them, they come out of left field and friends/family end up feeling deceived.

    I’m working on it, but it’s taking a bit out of me to undo years of defective problem solving habits.

  13. I’m not emotionally intelligent/mature enough for a relationship in my POV.

    If you’re fine with living with me trying to figure it out then I’d be down to date tho.

  14. Because I cook, I clean, I care about nutrition & fitness, I take pride in my physical appearance, I’m sensitive to your feelings, I love to organize, and I love giving oral.

    Unfortunately the women I’m with tend to relax and don’t do anything when they’re with me because they know I’ll pick up where they don’t – they end up dropping all responsibility and leave it all to me because, “I’m the nice guy”

    So if you have goals and want to stay active and productive your whole life, don’t date me. To be honest, if I ever end up single again, I’ll probably stay that way.

  15. I’m good looking, I have money, I have a good job with a high six figure salary, but even though a woman might think this is everything they want, as a result, in actuality I work long hours, I get stressed and tired a lot. I’ve lost touch with my friends over the years and so now only have time to socialise with work people. In the limited free time I have I workout a lot to stay in shape. I’ve had other relationships which have given me trust issues to such an extent that I will on the one hand be uncommunicative with whomever I’m dating, but expect my partner to manage up so optically it’s clear as day she’s not doing anything with anyone, and if she blinks in the wrong direction, I’d want to look at her phone. If she puts a foot out of line e.g. monkeybranches, I’m clear I’m ending it or I’m no longer being exclusive from the outset of dating her – I won’t tell her I’m not being exclusive again or look over her shoulder anymore like a childminder. Worse of all, I’m so bored and friendless, I post on reddit.

  16. I’ve been single for 90% of my life so I’m used to the freedom and independence. If we date I’ll be super happy you’re in my life but also not plan my life around you. I’ll be happy doing things with you or spending time with you, but if you ever imply I NEED to do certain things I’ll get annoyed and resentful.

  17. Because I don’t want them to. I prefer to live and be alone. Relationships are too much work.

  18. Because I’ve chosen not to date until I’ve got my shit together,

    It’s taken me a few years but I’m done for the most part, now I just need to get a job and I think I’m done, but since I’m looking to get into programming without a degree in IT it might still take a few months,

    Oh, and even if that wasn’t the case I spend most of my free time learning to code and working on other hobbies at home so it’s not like I’m likely to meet anyone in my living room to begin with

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