What’s something that you find pretentious?

  1. Honestly nothings pretentious inherently to me it’s all about peoples attitudes towards the thing in question

  2. Designer labels. If you like the item, fine, spend whatever you want on it. But when you’re walking around with LV and Gucci and Coach and whatever else plastered all over everything, you’re just trying to be seen wearing stupidly expensive crap so people think you’re rich. Spoiler: you don’t look rich. You look sad and pretentious and we all know those Chanel sunglasses came off a card table at the flea market.

  3. People who brag about going to a private school. Going to private school isn’t bad in of itself but when they act like they’re better than everyone else because they or their parents paid a ridiculous amount for tuition, it makes them come off snobby.

    The most pretentious ones I’ve ever met were the ones at my former jobs.

  4. People who put things down just so they can brag about traveling. Take your friend to a great crepery and they go on and on how “you haven’t lived until you go to France and have crepes at ‘whatever crepery’ in Paris. No crepery in the US can even compare. France, France, France!!!!!”

  5. People who say “HERstory” or other such things.

    Like, it makes me want to yell “that’s not why that word is spelled like that!” through my screen.

    Oh, also; cursive. 80% of the time it’s completely illegible.

  6. When people call themselves “foodies”, and they buy ingredients like expensive salt, or exotic vegetables, and desserts with names like “Michalak pavlova”, and such. And then… they can’t cook.

  7. People who pick on me for how I eat my food, if I don’t eat it the “right” or “best” way, such as liking steak well done, liking kraft mac & cheese, and liking chain restaurants.

  8. I dunno. I’ve been called pretentious in the past because I like the arts. I don’t think that solely liking the arts constitutes as pretentious, but that’s been enough for me to be called a pretentious dickbag in the past. It’s definitely something other people find pretentious, even though you’re just a regular human talking about your interests.

  9. YouTubers who they think they are more important and artsy than they are.

  10. Titles on anyone who isn’t a medical doctor.

    I really don’t care if someone is a judge, a prof, or a baron. Makes no difference to me or my life. A medical doctor may be able to save my life or a loved one’s so that’s a piece of info I care about.

  11. Looking someone up and down when they first walk in. Like blatantly obvious

  12. I don’t believe in “pretentious”. People call things they don’t understand pretentious. Why is it okay to say that art, film, food etc. is pretentious just because you don’t like it? Why should I have to endure hours of watching my boyfriend play video games or my friends listening to the top 100 when I don’t like it? Why does that make *me* wrong?

    In the words of Max from Eve6, “if it’s pretentious to like art instead of shit then I am very fucking pretentious”.

  13. Corporate attire. Like a banker style, long coats, and just anything that’s well put together. Not that there is anything wrong but it just gives off a look that I don’t find tasteful. I do think pretentious gives off a high art vs. low art comparison but I would also like to say that everything is kind of equal.

  14. Hating on mobile homes. Even in a joking way. I’m so over it. Just say you’re classist and move on

  15. This might be really specific, but people who’s accent suddenly change to something “posher” in a debate.

    Like “issue” is suddenly pronounced “es-shu”, why? Wtf.

    And people who say “let me put it in layman’s terms…”

    Friend, if you aren’t a professor or a specialist in that field. Get to fuck…

    *cough* there’s a lot, so I’ll leave it there.

  16. Muslim women says they want to wear full black burqas and cover everything expect there eyes.
    They are literally pretending because they are scared of their religious community.

    And muslim women pretending that they are free to do everything in their community.
    No. They just trying to white wash their religion.

  17. Movies that are style over substance. You get all these people screaming about how a movie is so deep and is such a great commentary and yet it’s the most surface level thing. It’s like people saying that people were missing the point with squid game, even though it was incredibly surface level and basic (still an enjoyable show, just not the amazing social commentary some people were making it out to be)

    The same people that scream about how basic movies are deep and only they with their 10000iq can understand them are the same people that’ll belittle other people for watching love island, or trashy tv, or rom coms, or whatever movie doesn’t fit their exquisite tastes.

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