My girlfriend (18F) and I (18M) have been dating about a year and a half now, and I would say that we have an amazing relationship. I am a very laid back guy, and we barely ever argue or fight. However, one of the only things that upsets me a bit is her relationship with her (ex) best friend. She and him (18M) have been friends for longer than I have known her, about three years. However, a couple months ago, they started growing more and more distant and kind of broke off their friendship. While I felt bad for my girlfriend as she did cherish their friendship, I was really relieved, because I could tell that he loved her. For context, they have had crushes on each other in the past, so I do not believe my concerns were unwarranted. It has been a couple months since they stopped being friends now, and a couple of days ago one of my best friends, who is friends with her best friend, revealed some information to me that honestly did not surprise me a bit. My girlfriends best friend did still like her, and he believed that she led him on (WHILE we were dating.). Although this was concerning to me, I didn’t really think much of it because I believed that they had moved on from each other. However, yesterday, I saw messages on my girlfriends phone to her other friend that revealed that she still talks about him nearly every day. She talks of “fixing things” with him, which I do not think is a good idea. I don’t think that I can stay with her if she becomes friends with him again, because it would make me super uncomfortable now that I know he likes her. Just to be clear, I know my girlfriend does not like this guy romantically, but I am uncomfortable with her being in a friendship with a guy that does like her. How do I address this? Should I wait, see if they rekindle their friendship, and then give her an ultimatum, or do I tell her now that I don’t want her to try and “fix things” with him? I feel like either way I will come across as controlling, and I really don’t want to hurt her.

My girlfriend has a boy best friend, who has a crush on her. Im uncomfortable with their relationship, but what do I tell her?

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