My boyfriend of 6 months (M27) and I (F28) were having sex in doggy style, when all of the sudden he starts reaching for something. I ask him what he’s reaching for and he responds “lube”. A few seconds later I hear his phone shutter and knew he took a picture. I start screaming you just took a picture of me. He then shows me the picture and deletes it.

He did not ask if he could take a picture and lied to me about grabbing his phone. I instantly start crying. He tells me the worst he thought would happen is I would say delete it and didn’t know I would be hurt by it.

I broke up with him and left. I haven’t seen him since but this breakup has been terrible. I am thinking about getting back with him but I am not sure I can ever trust him again.

EDIT: I made sure the photo was deleted from everywhere before I broke up with him and left.

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