So an extrovert (me) stumbled upon this server by server jumping and I saw people’s questions, I truly sympathize with people here who struggle with friends because I was like you guys, but since im only 19, these tips might not work with someone older than 25.

1. This is the easiest or hardest part (depending who you are)
Approach someone🤯
I know it might sound hard at first but think about this like a challenge, go up to 100 people in 1 month and interact with them in anyways, be it conversing with them or just saying hi because it gets you ready for getting used to approaching others which is needed to start everything.

2. Actually starting a conversation (This is the hardest for a lot of people here.) Once you are done with the 100 people challenge (or if you just skipped it) go up to people since approaching 100 people in a month would most likely do the trick. So if you’re used to approaching others now, say hi like you usually would. If they ignore you, don’t waste your energy, some people have to learnt to let things go, things don’t last forever. But if they don’t ignore you, sit with them if they’re alone and ask a normal question like the tried and true “how’s your day been” they most likely would just say “Good or bad” without really going into detail. The human mind is a mystery so idk why they just say some word, but it’s up to you to pry them of their dignity and make them speak by talking about your experience. What I used to do when I knew I was a boring person was fake it till you make it. Make us some random stories that seem possible and not outlandish.

3. If you hit an effective story, the person might hit you with a question about the story, which you still fake it till you make it, or they will start talking about themselves. After they talk about themselves, ask questions about them, people love talking about themselves, it’s human nature. Ask questions but look out for conversation cues in the answers because some are hard to spot and that can end a conversation easily so keep an ear out. If you hit gold, boom,. that COULD end up being a long conversation.

Body Language is important because it shows you the intention before even suggesting words, like a slouchy posture or not having eye contact just means they POTENTIALLY aren’t interested but like many things, it’s not 109% so if you suspect the person doesn’t care anymore, just find a way to wrap up the conversation and leave.

5. When ending a conversation, leave them with an ACTUAL compliment, not a fake one, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to spot a fake compliment. So if you and Tommy finish a conversation, say something actually nice and genuine, like if you ACTUALLY like Tommy’s shirt them say it, it doesn’t even have to be appearance wise. You can say that you liked their views on a certain subject and would love to talk again. Anything genuine you have to say, then get it out (preferably something genuinely nice) Remember, no faking.

Any other questions, just ask, I’d be happy to answer when I have time.💯💯💯
Also you dropped this

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