I (18F) have never done as much as holding hands romantically before.

Guys usually do not talk to me AT ALL. In all my years of highschool a guy approached me only once for a quick compliment on my class’s volleyball game performance. I’ve graduated and have been taking preparatory classes for a while and no guy has even looked my way.

My friends say I’m quite the social butterfly and I’m very approachable and friendly. But I do struggle to approach guys myself. I’m an expert in female social etiquette but when it comes to guys I’m completely clueless. When I used to talk to guys I already knew it was always short and awkward conversations. I try to do what I know and make some random small talk questions and comments but it’s always met with short, vague or too straightforward answers. I feel like I’m doing things completely wrong.

I don’t know what’s the issue. Not that it usually matters that much but I have exceptional academical performance and I have a vast variety of interests and hobbies. I naturally thought my problem is appearance, but posting on specific subs here I got extremely positive feedback instead. I still look younger than I am though, so maybe that’s usually a dealbreaker for guys.

Even when I did try pursuing a guy, texting regular, flirting often, going out of my way to spend as much time with him as I can, I felt like I was putting more effort than he was and at the end he chose to go out with a girl he had just met instead of me.

I don’t know what should I do, I feel left behind since everyone seems to have so much more experience than me while I can barely talk to guys at all.

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