Hi! My ex (28M) broke up with me (28F) some months ago. We were together for around 3 months. Our relationship was pretty great until he broke with me out of the blue and told me he did not see himself with me forever, hence why he ended things… apparently he is now in a relationship with another girl for around 3 months as well. However, I recently went to a friends party and they were also there, it was really painful to see them together and so happy.

He texted me afterwards wanting to talk. He told me he still has feelings for me and would like to try things again since he realized that he loves me and not her.

I’m really confused as to what I should do. He also has a history of cheating in a previous relationship, which he swears that he will not do again. I really love him and would like to get back together, as he seems really sorry.

Should i give him another chance?

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