How do you navigate shared custody? Did you immediately do 50/50, did you fight for more? How much does it hurt not having your child full time? What do you when your child is with the other parent? What type of schedule do you have? How do you handle holidays, their sports games, recitals, concerts etc?

1 comment
  1. When my ex husband I first divorced, he got the kids every other weekend. I told him he was welcome to have them whenever he wanted.

    After a year ish he asked to have them for a full week every other week. That’s what we do now and I enjoy having a week to myself. I may be the odd one out but I’ve been a mother for 13 years and spent every moment of those 13 years centered around my children and it is wonderful to have extended time to myself now.

    We play all the other stuff by ear. Last year the kids were with me during Christmas so they went with him and his family on Christmas Eve and I picked them up on Christmas Day. He had the kids during Thanksgiving week and I was fine with him keeping them for that. We both attend sports games, band recitals, etc.

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