How do I stop being shy, and “fake it til I make it” when it comes to confidence and communication? I always have a RBF and someone told me that I look like I am sulking.

The reason I sulk because (this is going to be hard and embarrassing to admit, but ) I am a recovering ex redpill and almost became an incel, due to my past bad interactions, and bad cards I had in life.

Everytime I think I am doing well and making progress, my bad thoughts, and bad personality reappears and I get bitter, and angry.

Bad thoughts are inevitable, they are always going to come to haunt me, and cause me mood changes. So my question is whenever I am angry and I think about the trauma in my past (which makes me sulk) how do I mask it, and fake it. So people don’t sense it and get repelled away from me. Because I am genuinely trying to increase my social circle and be a normie with a normal mindset, attitude,and life.

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