He was such a nice and sweet person when he wasn’t around his friends, and I hate that I ended things between us. At first he reached out to me but he’s stopped doing that now and I’m afraid I completely lost him.
My friends hate him, and think it’s ridiculous that I still miss him because he treated me badly.
I don’t know how to get over him, I’ve tried to pick up a new hobby but I just keep thinking about him whatever I do.
I feel so lonely because I see all of my friends being happy with their significant others and it makes me sad because why does it have to be this way for me?
It just really feels like I don’t have a purpose now because there’s nothing I can look forward to, or no one I look forward to seeing. Every day is so boring and bland, and I look out to every friday hoping that I might see him around somewhere but I never do. I just really messed it up and shouldn’t of broken contact with him so suddenly and maybe talk to him about it. My emotions just got in the way.

Sorry if this is a bit of a rant.
Does anyone know what I can do in order to get over him?

1 comment
  1. When Ieft my abuser I missed him at times I missed the times he was nice to me and made me feel loved. He treated me like shit but I still missed him. The best thing I can suggest for you is to do more things for you. Do the things you like go out with friends maybe even go on dating apps. But you have to remember that you can’t become codependent on someone. Do things to better yourself like go to the gym, therapy, and do hobbies. When you think of him and can’t stop do something completely different than what you were doing and change scenes like going inside or out with friends. I wish you all the best

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