I see these questions asked for men but I want y’all to flex how much you can lift- not necessarily in the gym, water buckets work too.

  1. I can hang clean 115 pounds and super proud of that because I weigh 105 🥰

  2. I can lift a washing machine. Which is not that heavy but pretty difficult to carry. But if I try to carry it upstairs my once broken knee acts up.

    I can also lift a grown man who is taller than me but no heavier ;). My own weight is about 115 kg at the moment.

    I can lift myself with a pull up. Only once though.

  3. I can lift about 150 pounds (more than 3/4 of my body weight) not much but pretty good

  4. Like 35 pounds lol.

    But I know some women who cant lift a lot more. Don’t let me be the example

  5. No idea. It’s not something I train for and haven’t measured it. I can lift all the things my usual daily life requires, but I rarely have to lift very heavy objects.

  6. Very very uneven but (at my best) I can bench 120 lbs, OHP 85, squat 150 and deadlift 210. And carry two full buckets of water a few hundreds yards without rest.

  7. I can take all the weekly groceries up two flights of stairs, in one trip!

  8. I know I can deadlift 105, because that’s all the weight I have at home. I think I could do more though. I shattered my elbow several years ago and have had 3 mostly-unsuccessful surgeries to put it back together, so I’m pretty pleased with that.

  9. I dunno how much I can *lift*, but I can carry a 50lb feed sack or full 5gal bucket with a little effort and awkwardness. I can lift more if I don’t have to go anywhere with it and it’s not squirming 😉

  10. I can lift a 50ishlb child and hate my life the entire time. Does that count?

  11. not a woman but some of the girls on my old weightlifting team could clean and jerk 100kg

    they were the bomb

  12. 28kg. I know because that’s how much my dog weighs, and I had to carry her up and down the stairs a fee times post-surgery to allow her to go potty outside when my SO wasn’t home. 😂

  13. I don’t lift weights but based on dog weight I can carry up to 60lbs easily, 70lbs gets dicey and 80lbs is no go, but this is in dog weight and dogs are kind of difficult to hold anyways

  14. Squat 200lbs, deadlift 225lbs, bench 100lbs. It’s taken a while to get these numbers as I’m 125lbs.

  15. My arm and core muscles have atrophied recently but I still managed to lift and carry a huge recliner recently and keep it off the ground while squatting for over two minutes. 100-200lbs?

  16. lift and carry – over 100. lift repeatedly – 15 lbs lmao. not lifting – but my legs and thighs can push between 300-600 pounds.

  17. two 3yr olds

    *disclaimer for ppl looking at my post history 😭 i used to work at a day care centre

  18. I can just about still lift my 11 year old. He’s 5’6 and about 65kg 💪💪💪
    I’m 5’5 and 67kg

  19. At my strongest I was deadlifting 225, squatting 165, and benching 105! Probably can’t do that anymore, as I’ve injured myself since and have been too scared to try again but… I was pretty proud at the time

  20. i can lug around a 38 pound thing of cat litter through the grocery store, but that’s about as good as it gets

  21. Well this weekend I hoisted 7 bags of gardening soil that weighed in at 66lbs each onto a cart, into a car, and onto the lawn. Plus 8 bags of mulch that are around 25lbs each. I’m 5’2″ and weigh 120, so I think that’s pretty good for a 50-year-old.

  22. Squat 60kg. Deadlift 70kg.

    Not sure if these count but im very proud of them;
    Leg press 200kg. Hip thrust 120kg.
    Im currently 56kg.

  23. I can do 163 lb deadlift. Everything else is shit, because I’m scared to hurt myself while doing hang cleans. I’ve ended up on my ass twice now because I’ve lost my balance and I decided I didn’t care enough about lifting heavy.

  24. I’m new to squatting with a barbell and added weights. The barbell I use weighs 44 lbs by itself. Right now I can squat with an added 20lbs. I eventually want to get to 100 lbs. I’m 5 ft tall and petite and I also go indoor bouldering. It will take time but I’ll get there! 💪🏻🧗🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️

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