My boyfriend (M18) and I (F19) have been dating for 6 months. I study in a foreign country and he’s back in my home country. We broke up in between after we’d been dating for 3 months because he wasn’t putting in any effort and seemed unempathetic. He wouldn’t even talk to me and barely spoke. Since it felt like a one-sided relationship I broke up. We ended up getting back together when I went home for break because he seemed like he had completely changed. It’s been 2 months since that and now I am back in college. Things have been going great and it seemed like he’d been making an effort the first month. The second month he stopped doing much and even though it was somewhat like the first time we dated it was fine with me because I had accepted that he’s not much of a talker and that I’d have to lead the relationship. I had grown comfortable in our silences and planned all our virtual dates (generally movie nights, quizzes, sleeping over calls, games). Turns out what I thought was a nice and comfortable and stable relationship, my boyfriend thought was boring and “not fun”. My boyfriend told me that our dates are not fun and bore him and that he doesn’t feel the excitement that he did in the first month. Should I be offended that I make all the effort and he does none and still calls the relationship boring? or should I be grateful that he could communicate it maturely? I’m just concerned that if he feels bored barely 6 months in, how will he feel in the future?

\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : My boyfriend makes no effort in the relationship and calls me and our relationship boring.

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