What does it take from you to completely cut someone out of your life?

  1. Lack of respect for me or my life experiences.

    Denying the reality of my medical issues.

    Theft of inheritance.


    Lack of respect for my boundaries.

  2. When the relationship becomes one-sided. Basically they expect you to always be there for them at the drop of a hat but in that one moment you need a friend, they ghost.

  3. Honestly?

    Not much, I’ve gone through hell and back to get to where I am in life today, I don’t have time for shitty people, if someone is causing me ANY kind of problems in life I’ll drop them in an instant.

  4. You’re great – You’re okay – well, that wasnt very nice – ah cmon now cut it out – you’re taking the piss now – i am angry – i am angry and it will take me some time before I can bear to speak to you again – i have nothing left to say, and I will never, ever denegrate myself to speak to you again.

    There is a grade beyond that last one. It includes things I can’t admit on the internet. It’s typically reserved for people who commit crimes of a sexual nature against children.

  5. When I walk away from every interaction feeling distressed and dread talking to them rather than looking forward to it

  6. If the person abuses me or a family member, I would cut him or her out of my life. Also, someone who molests or rapes a family member or other people. Someone who likes hurting me.

  7. Increasingly little as I get older. Eventually you learn how true this is: “when someone shows you who they are, believe them.” You can’t change people.

  8. When there has been more bad behaviour than good times for a significant period of time.

  9. Nowadays, not much. I gave people chances knowing I shouldn’t have and was always shown why I really should have followed my gut so now at the first major fuck is anyone has and doesn’t show remorse for, they get shown the door out of my life forever.

  10. One sided relationships/friendships. Can’t stand people who only contact you for their own gain. They have zero interest in your life, never text first, ignore you. I cut those people right off now

  11. Toxicity. By which I mean passive-aggressive behaviour, envy, gaslighting, unsolicited advice, anger issues etc. Unfortunately I meet a lot of people like that.

  12. racism, homophobia, transphobia.

    unfortunately i have had to cut off almost every single person on my dads side of the family and the only 1 person on my moms side that is alive.

    holidays can be hard, but accepting their hate speech is harder.

  13. Not a lot. I know my boundaries and I enforce them without mercy. I don’t care who you are, if you disrespect my boundaries, you’re dead to me.

  14. When I can clearly see that the current projected path will lead to destruction on both ends…. When I know it’s the right thing to do… When I know my existence causes issues beyond what I can help… When I know it’s past the point of communication… When I know we can never be ‘cordial’.. When I know it’s past the toxic level.. When I know mutual family or friends are tired of it… When I know without a doubt that it’s better for the other person…

  15. If they’re toxic/narcissistic.

    If they do something bad to me/my family/good friends.

  16. Im 67 so it doesnt take a lot
    Disrespect of my feelings or beliefs. Lying. Abusive behavior. Annoying behavior. Gossip about others ir especially their kids. Bad breath and body odor. Addiction to meth. Not being able to disagree without fighting about it. Hey I just described my ex!!!! 🤣

  17. Too much. I spent way too many days and way too much effort trying to fix up these bummy ass dudes

  18. * Your intense betrayal
    * Your condescension
    * Me humiliating myself in your presence
    * You making me feel gullible (this one is a bit personal and less conventional, I think)

  19. I’ve broken up with two long-term boyfriends over their selfishness. I’ve cut a friend out because of her envy and the drama she created around it. Basically, you need to care for me as much as I care for you, I won’t allow it to become one sided.

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