My wife and I have been married for 15 years. We have a 4 year old daughter.

A few days ago my wife got drunk, I also drank but not as much. After having sex we started talking and remembering things, she ended up confessing that she married me because she was afraid of being alone like her mother, so that’s why she immediately accepted my proposal to go out.

My wife’s father abandoned my mother-in-law when my wife was a baby. My mother-in-law did not overcome the abandonment and lived most of her life bitterly. She also took it out on my wife physically and verbally.

The next day my wife looked very embarrassed and apologized for everything she said, she also mentioned that although what she said that night is true, she fell in love with me and that she really loves me, she doesn’t love me like I love her,, but she loves me enough to know that she wants to spend her life with me.

I don’t know how to feel, I’ve been distant with her. I even checked her phone thinking she was cheating on me but she’s not.
Should I just get over it?

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