So my GF, a few days ago told me she is going to her cousins house for a few days. Which i said have fun est est est… So over these last few days she has barely contacted me, which is usual for her. However today I get a call from her saying she is so sick and she casually admits to me she lied to me about to going to her cousins house and instead went to a hotel to celebrate her friends birthday. So I was in shock and I asked her why did you lie. She then proceeded to shout at me and tell me how sick she is. So I was confused and I called her out again and she hanged up the phone on me and told me she’ll speak to me when she’s back home. So I’m in disbelief. I message her how idk what to say. She then proceeds to tell me how she’s a grown woman and if she wants time on her own or with her friends she will leave and how’s she’s not answering to on one no more. So now her phones on airplane mode so I can’t contact her.

I’m thinking of ending things with her as she disrespected me and this isn’t the only time . I don’t usually get annoyed at things but this is something else resulting in me having to ask for advice but yeah any advice would be appreciate.

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