Over here in the US there’s a thing called “The Game”, where if you think about it, you lose. It’s been across the entire nation for a number of years now, do you all have something similar?

  1. No, never heard of anything like it. It’s funny, though. lol

    What do you do if you think about it and lose? Tell everyone around you or do a chore as a penalty?

  2. Of course – particularly since The Game originated in the UK:

    According to Wikipedia article *The Game*

    >*The Game* derives from another mental game, *Finchley Centra*l. While the original version of Finchley Central involves taking turns to name stations, in 1976 some members of the Cambridge University Science Fiction Society (CUSFS) developed a variant where the first person to think of the titular station loses. The game in this form demonstrates ironic processing, in which attempts to suppress or avoid certain thoughts make those thoughts more common or persistent than they would be at random.
    >Once it spread outside the Greater London area, among people who are less familiar with London stations, it morphed into its self-referential form. The common rules do not define a point at which The Game ends. However, some players state that The Game ends when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announces on television that “The Game is up”.

  3. I’m sure it’s an international thing but we used to play a game where we make a ring with our index finger and thumb.

    If you look at it you have a few seconds to put your index finger through it otherwise you have to let the other person hit you in the shoulder as hard as they want.

  4. It’s not a US thing. We do it here as well, some call it “the game” like in English and some translate it to “spelet” me included

  5. I can’t believe I just lost the game… I have been playing for like 7 years… damn it Reddit

  6. I’ve never heard of this. There’s a brilliant David Fincher film called the game but as for anything else it’s unknown to me.

  7. Yes, we have this in Belgium as well.

    And THANK YOU VERY MUCH for making me loose… Now I have to contact some ex-colleagues to tell this to them. Ugh.

  8. Yes, it’s a global thing, not a US one, pretty sure it originated in England even iirc. We even had this here before the Internet.

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