My boyfriend left his phone home to charge and I decided to look through his photos after him brushing over that he still had videos of past relationships while we were in an argument but that he doesn’t look at them or watch them.. I wanted to see if he was just talking mess and make sure he didn’t actually have any because i don’t and honestly think it should be trashed once the relationship has ended. Anyways I was hoping he was bluffing; I found 1 of his most recent ex (as expected), and like 5 of me and we never legitimately talked about making videos
(we’ve joked abt a joint OF) and he definitely hasn’t asked me. I’m not even upset about the videos I’m just confused on why he didn’t say anything to me about making them or ask me about it I feel like if I never snooped I never would’ve know about those videos and it just doesn’t completely sit right with me because he could’ve asked me.

Has this happened to other people and what was the reasoning behind it? lol I just don’t get it’s as we’re usually pretty open with each other especially him..I also don’t think I’ll confront him about this just very confused.

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