i hate it so much, but i want to be showered with attention so much. have someone to text 24/7, like i used to text my ex until i was stupid enough to break up with him because of my own insecurities. and texting him now would be embarrassing since he made it abundantly clear he doesn’t want to talk to me a lot anymore and i want to respect that. it was so unhealthy and i felt like shit and couldn’t sleep but it was just so nice being connected with someone all the time, even if it was just talk about nothing. i think i need to have someone interested in me. it wasn’t this bad ever really.. i’m okay with even being the one to text someone first all the time if they gave me a bit of approval. i have friends but they have their own lives too and always talking to them might be too much. i think it’s because the prom is approaching and i really want someone to invite me to it, and if i invite the person im interested in myself, i will feel needy and embarrassed. i know it’s extremely unhealthy but i don’t know how to stop thinking about it. what do i do?

  1. When you start feeling really desperate for the attention find something to take your mind off it…Try doing something for yourself like a nice bath/shower, nails, face mask or maybe listen to music or take a walk/run. Try to invest that time and attention into yourself. With time you will probably find that you won’t crave it from others as much. Then when someone does reach out you’ll not only appreciate that time or conversation, but also the fact that you didn’t have to seek it out.

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