We had agreed to go on spring break together since the fall and had been planning out what we would do. We hadn’t booked anything but we were in the process of figuring out where we were going to stay and how we would get there. She texted me about a month before we were going to go and told me that her friends were also going to Florida and that she wanted to go with them instead. I made it clear that I didn’t really like that and felt like a backup option but she still decided to go with them instead, leaving me without any plans, and when I asked if I could go with she said it was girls only. In general, I do trust her not to cheat, but it is difficult to trust that with all that she did to make sure she was going without me. It also feels really disrespectful and inconsiderate of her to cancel plans we had already agreed on to go do the exact same thing with her friends. I feel like a backup option to her and I also feel a little less trusting. I have communicated this to her many times and she always says she feels really bad, but hasn’t done anything to try to fix it. I just want help deciding what to do.

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